5 Myths, 3 Mistakes, and 3 Must-dos in the Pursuit of Hot Six-Pack Abs

Hot six-pack abs are regarded highly and oft-admired, especially during the summer months. If you're on the lookout for that perfect 'ab program' to help you get in shape for this year's beach scene, you may be wondering which of the thousands of abdominal exercises, workouts and diet programs on the internet actually work.

5 myths surrounding hot six-pack abs

The Truth About Six Pack Abs helps dispel five myths commonly put forth by other similar programs. Let us look at these myths and see if you've fallen prey to any of them.

Health foods are readily available in the form of bars, drinks, and a hundred other shapes and sizes. The claim here is that that health foods will help them achieve their fat loss goals and develop six pack abs. The simple fact is that the only real health foods are the ones created by nature, not in a laboratory. If your ingredients list is more then 6 or 7 items long, and any item has more than 5 or 6 syllables, you're not a health food.

The second myth that the Truth About Six-Pack Abs dispels is the notion that belly exercises will lessen belly fat. Many people think that by doing 100 crunches a day they will eliminate belly fat. Sorry, that doesn't work; you will only strengthen the muscle under the fat -- and the fat will remain.

Thirdly, everybody agrees that cardiovascular workouts are important for fat loss, but The Truth About Abs points out that there are right ways and wrong ways for performing cardiovascular exercise. They have some effective and helpful tips to get you moving and lose belly fat through appropriate cardio exercise that will help you burn that stomach off -- and show off your hot six-pack abs.

Contrary to what many marketers want you to believe, you cannot rely exclusively on a pill to give you six-pack abs. You need a combination of diet, exercise, and willpower, and T.A.A. will teach you how to eat properly, using natural foods that will help you lose fat, lose weight and properly support six-pack abs.

Last, but far from least, the Truth About Abs program lets you in on the utter waste of money that is ab belts, rockers, loungers, and similar gizmos. The commercials are always so attractive as you watch the model with perfect six-pack abs flex away on the nifty-looking ab machine. The reality is that the contraption they're using has absolutely nothing to do with their perfectly chiseled tummies!

3 tips to obtain hot six-pack abs

There are 3 ultimate tips for the Truth about Six Pack Abs program.

First, figure out your energy needs, and eat properly to meet those needs, and nothing more. If you eat more than you need, losing fat become much harder, much faster.

Second, learn proper cardiovascular exercise techniques. There are simple techniques taught by T.A.A. that will greatly reduce the amount of time you need to spend doing cardio.

Finally, learn which methods of ab strengthening are ineffective, and avoid them. The truth is, some of the old - standbys' for ab strengthening are directly counterproductive!

3 common mistakes people make pursuing hot six-pack abs

Most of the thousands of people shooting to obtain hot 6-pack abs for themselves make the same 3 mistakes over and over. The most common of those mistakes is failing to realize that you simply cannot achieve six pack abs that will show if you do not lose the belly fat that is covering them up! This is why spot-training just doesn't work. The correction to this mistake is to eat properly to lose fat while you train up the muscle.

There is a handy metabolic rate calculator included in the program. With it, you can very accurately and easily calculate the appropriate amount of daily caloric intake for your height, weight loss goals and activity level. There is a fantastic menu plan included at the end, which you will find easy, delicious and fun! Thus, the Truth About Abs makes avoiding the first mistake easy.

Second mistake: a lack of cardiovascular exercise. You do need to perform some cardio in order to burn that belly fat, but you may not realize how you should be performing cardiovascular exercise. Rather than long duration cardio, T.A.A. guides you through some more appropriate high intensity 'interval training' that you will perform in less time but with better results.

Finally, you need to rework your workout and teach yourself why crunches and similar old-school exercises are not going to give you six pack abs. The Truth About Abs contains some revolutionary abdominal exercises that will transform all of your disjointed core muscles into a single unit - a ripped, washboard tummy.

The Truth About Abs - My Personal Test

After reading the Truth About Abs, I wanted to try it for myself to see if it lived up to the hype. It claims to have a nutritional program that cuts fat while building serious muscle, cutting-edge exercises that will cut and ripple your abs like no sit-ups or crunches have ever been able to, and a dozen or so techniques to speed up your metabolism and keep the fat burning even while you sleep.

The Truth About Abs guarantees that if you can stick with it, you will have a set of washboard abs in much less time than you would think. I intended to find out if this was true. If you would like to see what I thought of the program, read on!.

After I ordered the program, I started the next day. I saw changes within the first couple weeks. I knew the results wouldn't come overnight because I had a decent layer of blubber around my stomach. It took until the seventh week before I had eliminated that layer of fat and my abs were fully visible, with a nice rippling effect. By the eighth week I had a fully-defined, washboard' six-pack. Needless to say I was excited -- I couldn't believe the program actually worked as well as it claimed!

Now, I did have to make massive changes to my diet, but I felt it was worth all the sacrifices once I saw the results -- and I felt so much healthier to boot! Once I had gazed upon my body with serious abs, I wasn't concerned about losing out on those carb-laden fried foods I used to eat. The physical benefits of eating healthier weren't all I noticed: the mental benefits were quite obvious, too! Even my wife commented that I was much more attentive and focused after completing the program.

I would recommend this program to anyone who really wants to change their physique and feel better about the way they look. My self-confidence has gone through the roof, and hopefully yours will too. I pray that I have provided you with everything that you need to get up and get hot six-pack abs today! [http://healthandfitness.fromtheinside.info]

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=M._L._Danielson

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