Deciding on Which Diet Is Best For You

With all the hype about dieting, it's hard to decide on the right diet. Or is there a "right" diet? Let's start with the formal diets on the market today. There's Weight Watchers, Nutrisystem, Jenny Craig, The Zone, South Beach, Atkins just to name some of the better known.

Many of these diets are very expensive and time consuming. Also, between measuring your food and counting points, you are constantly think about what you are eating. I feel we need to stop going on the next new diet and start focusing on eating what you need.

For those starting out on a healthy and new eating style, keep some of these tips in mind.

Listen to your body and eat only when you are hungry.
Try new and different foods.
Stay away from processed foods.
Fruits and vegetables should fill half your plate.
Use a smaller plate.
Get calcium from low-fat dairy products.
Switch to whole grains and try to limit the amounts.
Choose lean beef instead of the marbled type. Red meat, if lean and trimmed, can be lower in saturated fat.
Include plenty of salads and fresh vegetables in your new way of eating.
Choose oil and vinegar based dressings as opposed to heavy creamy dressings.
If you make your own creamy dressings, cut the calories by using 1/2 Greek yogurt for 1/2 of the mayonnaise
Cut down on sugary drinks.
Try to drink 8 glasses of water a day.
Read labels carefully.
When you shop always use the outer aisles of the store. That's where most of the natural foods are.
Try to cook using cooking sprays, as they are calorie free.
Don't fry foods, try to saute, roast or bake.
Be very careful of hidden sugars.
Eat slowly, and stop before you are stuffed.
Are you an emotional eater? Emotional eating can happen when people are bored, anxious and stressed, or just not wanting to deal with something.
Instead of eating, clean a closet or go for a walk.
Keep healthy, filling food in the house.
If you reach a plateau, it could be you are not as aware of what you are eating. Plateaus are common. Just push past it by moving more and being careful of your food intake.
Set goals for yourself. Don't get discouraged, it takes time to change habits. Think positive, change will come. Take it day by day. Activity can help.
Get the OK from your health care provider before starting any exercise plan.
Pace yourself, start slow and gradually increase your time.
Walking or exercise can ease stress and clear your mind.
Start walking even for a little while. Soon you will be able to increase your time.
Take a yoga or piliates class. You will meet others similar to you, that are getting healthier. You will have more energy and have a better frame of mind.
I hope you find these tips as helpful as they have been to me. Good luck on your new endeavor.

Deanna not only loves to write articles but loves to learn new things. She has spent most of her life watching her weight. It has become more difficult as time goes by. She has found that she must not only change how she eats but also how she thinks. These combined knowledge about the what she eats and how it affects her has led her to follow a lifestyle change. For some great recipes check out her website at

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